Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Importance of the Marketing Mix. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 12 page paper looks at what understanding and using the marketing mix is important. The paper considers the concept of marketing, the importance of segmentation and positioning, strategic marketing, differentiation, branding, how the consumer makes a buying decision and the impact of factors such as price and pricing strategy along with ethics. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
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the marketing mix can be seen as the way this is achieved. The type of marketing mix and the way it is used can vary greatly, being used with different
strategies and aimed at divergent audiences. However, understanding what the marketing mix is and how it can be used. Marketing The concept of marketing is not new although marketing
as a separate theory may be relatively new. There are many examples of marketing before marketing theory was developed. It is believed the first advertisement was for a prostitute in
Ancient Egypt, created with a template on the bottom on her sandal. The message was created wherever she walked. This was crude, but nonetheless it was marketing. If we
look to more recent times we can cite many historical examples of marketing that demonstrate its purpose and how it achieves in purpose. If we look to the nineteenth century
there is the example of Madame Taussaud who inherited a Paris wax exhibition (Church and Godley, 2003). With no real funds and a lack of customers the exhibition had to
be marketed to survive. It was through gradual and persistent local marketing that she was able to establish herself as an entrepreneur with a successful business in London and had
a major impact on the entertainment industry. The marketing was carefully manipulation and cultivation of connection though the upper classes and high society (Church and Godley, 2003). This, combined with
successful advertising may be seen as placing the right product in the right position, with good promotion and the profitable nature of her business indicated that the price was right
and an understanding of the segment of the market that would be interested. The products and the promotion of the exhibits reflected the public interests and curiosities of the