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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper looks at how globalization has change the paper of the labour force in all countries that participate in global trade. The paper looks at both developing and developed countries and shows how and why these changes are occurring. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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farming into more urban setting with factory based jobs. In the more developed countries jobs are changing, moving away from the labour intensive unskilled jobs to the more knowledge or
service based jobs where higher degrees of knowledge or specialisation is required. Globalisation is impacted on the labour markets of any countries that are taking part in the global marketplace.
There are many reasons for the increased trade, and for developing countries there is the additional factor of which to benefit from the advances made in knowledge by the
developed countries, from computer technology through to medical skills and abilities. The main changes have occurred as the result of four main pressures, these are commercial pressures that are
driven by the desire for profit and the impact of the different factors created by globalisation. These four factors are "increased competitiveness", "increased productivity", "increased flexibility" and "increased cooperation" (Eaton,
2002). Over the last half century the barriers to international trade have been falling, the transportation facilities have increased whilst costs have decreased, communications facilities have also expanded and
the development of trade agreements have reduced trade tariffs and other costs of international trade. There has also been an increased knowledge of the international trade environment giving employers a
greater understanding of potential commercial choices. The question is how this has impacted on the global labour market. The pressures in business have always been to increase profit and
efficiency. If we consider a situation, such as the textile industry, where the wages in the US , where wages will average between $5 - $7 an hour (NRF, 2002),
or the UK where wages will be between ?4 - ?5 an hour (Jordon, 2002). When this is compared to pay rates such 87 cents in the developing world (NRF,