Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Impact Of The Professional Development On Knowledge Development And Dissemination, Such As Evidence-Based Practice. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper is a 12 slide PowerPoint presentation and speaker notes looking at the impact that professional development has on knowledge development and the spread and sue of information in the nursing environment. The paper considers how professional development can take place and the way that the influences it creates manifest. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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8 pages (~225 words per page)
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your order number and this file name to Slide 1 The nursing profession is one where there are both practical as well as ethical reasons
for professional development to be undertaken. The benefits will be felt directly by the nurse, by the patient and by the health services that employ the nurse. To appreciate why
and how this occurs the role of professional development should be considered. Slide 2 When entering into the nursing profession it is general accepted that learning
will have to continue to remain up to date with best practice and developments. The American Nurses Association states that professional development takes pace throughout the career and is the
"way in which nurses engage to develop and maintain competence, enhance professional nursing practice, and support achievement of career goals" (AMA, 2009). This learning can come from a number sources.
Slide 3 The impact of professional development will be felt by both the individual and by the organization. Undertaking professional develop will have a number of benefits
for the individuals, including increasing skills that will both help with job performance as well as career development, both of which may then increase job satisfaction as these will both
support increased motivation (Huczynski and Buchanan, 2007). Slide 4 Undertaking professional development will also support the organizational goals, well trained staff with additional skills will increase the
range of services that can be offered and will have greater knowledge and skills for supporting patients and the internal organizational aspects of nursing care. The continuation of these skill
will aid with the organizational performance. However there is also the way that ongoing professional development will impact on the culture of the organization and attitudes of the nurses so