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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper defines the humanities, and looks at examples from art, music, philosophy, literature and architecture to see how they relate to socioeconomics, politics and technology. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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they differ from other fields. It also lists an example of current developments in politics, socioeconomics and technology as reflected in the fields of art, music, architecture, philosophy and literature.
Discussion The humanities are usually distinguished from "hard" sciences by the fact that the approach to them is often less rigorous than it is in other disciplines. That is, someone
studying literature may find themselves explicating a poem or play; critiquing it based on their interpretation of it. Someone working in the sciences, however, is likely to be running a
rigorous experiment, one that not only ends up achieving the same results time after time, but which can be duplicated by anyone by following the same technique. Studying the humanities
reveals "what it means to be human," but using intuitive or analytical, rather than empirical methods, sometimes calls the legitimacy of the disciplines into question (Jensen, 2003, p. 4). This
"... causes a need for self-legitimation that to a large extent is internal to the Humanities, since most persons outside the university understand humanistic work as the curator of cultural
tradition, as opposed to the natural sciences that produce knowledge that can be used technologically" (Jensen, 2003, p. 4). In other words, Shakespeare is all very fine, but why bother
to study him when we could be learning computers? Because studying the humanities gives us insight into ourselves and our past, and that can help us determine our future. Now
lets take a look at current developments in art, music, architecture, philosophy and literature. At once we are drowning in a sea of possibilities! What sort of music? Rap, classic
rock, metal, arena, grunge, country, alternative, classical, opera? Art includes everything from paintings to the latest experimental film; literature goes from limericks to novels, and so on. It is impossible