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A 4 page paper which reviews the work The Hero’s Journey by John L. Brown and Cerylle A. Moffett. No additional sources cited.
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work concerning the journey of the hero. In the work The Heros Journey: How Educators Can Transform Schools and Improve Learning the authors, John L. Brown and Cerylle A. Moffett
utilize the foundation of Campbells work to address concerns within the field of education. The following paper offers a review of their work. The Heros Journey by Brown
and Moffett As mentioned, this particular book utilizes Campbells ideas in illustrating how education is very much a journey, and as the title would suggest, a heros journey. In the
beginning of their work they illustrate the foundation of this approach when stating, "Each of us in a position influence the experience of children in schools soon comes to realize
that-knowingly or unknowingly-we have embarked on a spiritual, intellectual, and social journey, a quest for personal and organizational transformation in the face of mounting problems and contradictions" (Brown; Moffett, 1999;
2). As can be seen, this work is aimed at showing education professionals how to go about making the teaching and learning experience a better one, one that approaches learning
and teaching as though they are heroic ideas and actions. In all honesty this is perhaps as it should be for all too often teachers tire of regulations and lose
sight of their original teaching passion, or the education system insists that teachers simply instruct, as though the children were nothing but empty vessels rather than little heroes in the
making. This seems evident as a possibility when the authors state how "through personal responsibility, shared purpose, and collaborative and courageous action it is possible to make a genuine difference
in the lives of all our students" (Brown; Moffett, 1999; 4). Throughout the book the authors utilize different legends and ideas to convey, and further illustrate how teachers can