Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Healing Properties of Native American Tradition. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
An 11 page overview of the importance of Native American tradition in healing Native American people and securing their place in modern society. This book uses examples from Eden Robinson’s “Monkey Beach”. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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11 pages (~225 words per page)
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characterize those cultures have sustained the peoples through generations of trials and tribulations. Those traditions are characterized by a deep healing ability. They hold the key, in fact,
to healing the people even in the most troubled times of their existence. The thesis can thus be presented that:
Native American cultures should, in fact, practice their traditional ways. This practice will help the culture heal and regain its place in todays society.
When considering this thesis it is first appropriate to note that when talking of Native
American culture we are talking of many cultures, not one. The Native American of today, and yesterday, is not one entity but rather many (Gill, 2004). There are
as many factors that have gone into shaping these people from what they were to what they are as there are misperceptions about those factors. Even the term Native
American, in fact, is a much misunderstood term. It has it roots in the initial discovery of this continent by non-Native individuals, individuals who arrived from that continent we
refer to as the "Old World". The precise determination of exactly who "discovered" what and when is one which entails much debate. Suffice to say though that Europeans
arrived on this continent at some point in the past. Despite the presence of thousands of Native inhabitants, these Europeans decided that they had "discovered" this continent and the
peoples that were very much already there. These peoples were not one people but they were a diversity of different cultural groups with a diversity of languages and lifeways.