Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Future of Wireless Communication. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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This 6 page paper takes a look at the future of wireless technology. Several examples are provided. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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stations and television channels. They also use wireless technology to open and close garage doors and steer their robotic vacuum cleaners towards the dirty part of the carpeting. Children play
with remote control cars and boats. Even air conditioners come with remotes today. The list is seemingly endless. Of course, while wireless is relatively new, it had gone through some
transitions. Wireless communications have gone through first and second generation technology and now it is on the third generation. Fourth generation is just coming into its own. The first
generation systems first came about during the 1970s (Collins & Smith, 2001). First generation systems are analog, but second generation systems are digital (Collins & Smith, 2001). While some people
are still using analog, it is a rarity these days. Many people own products which rely on digital technology. The wireless revolution has seemingly changed the world for the better,
allowing mothers to have instant communication with babysitters and older children and executives to know they can be reached on the commuter train or on the golf course. Yet, the
new technology has not been without criticism. While no conclusive proof exists, some scientists speculate that brain damage may result from excessive cellular use. Much is known as to how
cells are affected by radiation, such as contained in the Radiation Injury report published in 1999 (Meyer, 1999). Due to the fact that some heavy cellular users developed brain cancer,
many law suits have emerged. However, a panel of experts recently declared that the evidence shows mobile phones cannot harm anybody (Raloff, 2000). Of course, the wireless revolution is found
more in WAP than in cellular technology. In fact, the cell phone is rather pass?. It is not likely that the cell phone will lose its appeal. Rather, it