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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
Ecommerce has financial implications for any company wanting to trade through this medium. This 12 page paper looks at the implications in terms of costs and profits of undertaking business on the internet, how and why the costs differ from traditional businesses and the impact this has on the results of a company. The paper compares bricks and mortar company costs with the case of the book shop Borders with the online retailer Amazon. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
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12 pages (~225 words per page)
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to consumer (B2C) as well as to a limited extent consumer to consumer (C2C) has impacted on the way commerce takes place and the traditional mediums of businesses. This has
practical impacts on many businesses, not only in terms of the way that the companies operate but also in the financial aspects of operations and reporting. The internet may be
seen as a tool that brings down many barriers, but there are also costs access to the medium and marketing that medium and the costs of failing to pursue an
ecommerce strategy. The costs may be see as lower, but there are many hidden costs, such as server maintenance and increased logistical costs. There are also longer term impacts
on balance sheets as the assets used have short lives and are written down more quickly than traditional assets in bricks and motor operations. To consider the origins of the
financial impacts we can look at the internet and ecommerce assess the impact and consider how this results in financial changes. 2. E-commerce The American Heritage Dictionary (2006) defines e-commerce
as "Commerce that is transacted electronically, as over the Internet". This is a simple definition and suits the purposes of the paper, however, it may also be slightly limiting as
the internet may not be the only medium open to e-commerce. The level of trade has been increasing gradually, so the impact started out gradually. Users started out with a
distrust of the technology and fears of security, however as time and technology have progressed the level of confidence in the security measures and experience in using the systems has
resulted in an increased confidence of the security. The impact on operations may be seen as most influential with the way that