Sample Essay on:
The Ethics of Gay Adoption Bans

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This is a 3 page paper that provides an overview of gay adoption bans. The Supreme Court ruling that Florida bans are unconstitutional is examined. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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punish some type of ethical failure (such as robbing another individual). At other times, however, the law and ethics intersect precisely because the law itself commits a flagrant breach of ethics, supporting an institutional policy of injustice. One key example of this type of situation is gay adoption. In a few states such as Florida, gay adoption was made illegal during the last decade, and in those states where it wasnt explicitly illegalized, homosexuals still had difficulty adopting children because of legal requirements that an adopting couple must be married (with marriage between gays being illegal in most states). For many, such a law is a flagrant violation of ethics. This paper will examine the various ways in which gay adoption bans are a violation of ethics, through the utilitarian, egalitarian, and deontological perspectives. Before one undertakes the ethical debate regarding bans on gay adoption, one must first make the determination of whether or not there is any rational basis upon which to support the initiative for such bans. As might be expected, most experts tend to agree that there exists no scientific evidence whatsoever that gays or lesbians would inherently produce a harmful environment for the proper psychological and social development of an adopted child (Averett, Nalavany, & Ryan, 2009). Averett et al. (2009) were able to determine through experimentation that gay and lesbian adoptive parents face no unique challenges in raising adoptive children than do heterosexual couples who had adopted. In this paragraph, the student begins to look at the ethical perspectives used to judge the ethical status of gay adoption bans. That said, let us examine the utilitarian theory of ethics to determine whether or not gay adoption bans might be called ethical or unethical. Utilitarianism states that the ethical status of an action depends entirely upon ...

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