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This 3 page paper examines English as a language that is used widely today. A political history is provided. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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provide people with a sense of independence. English is spoken around the world and it is spoken as a primary language for approximately 6% (Met, 2004, p.214) of the global
population. It is spoken as a second language in many nations where it even has official status (Met, 2004). Approximately one quarter of the people in the world are
competent in English (Met, 2004). And while English is spoken a great deal around the world, it is by no means the primary world language. The majority of people do
no speak English as they speak a number of different languages. Today, the English language forges relationships, but it also is equated with superiority. In fact, English is a
difficult language to learn. In respect to English, the normal order of sentences is that the subject comes before the verb and object, but this is not the case with
many other languages (Barber, 2000). English is also a language that relies on pitch (Barber, 2000). Barber (2000) explains that "if you change the intonation it becomes A different word.
Such languages are called tone languages" (p. 20). Clearly, English is more difficult to absorb and it is associated with many nations that are considered quite strong. How did English
emerge? What is its history? A few hundred years ago, English was simply a hodge podge of dialects which were spoken primarily by people who only spoke that particular language
(Graddol, 1996). What is certain is that English goes back into ancient history. The earliest scroll found written in Old English dates to 450 ("The history of the English language,"
2007). Old English is "a mutually intelligible language, similar to modern Frisian - the language of the northeastern region of the Netherlands" ("The history of the English language," 2007). Interestingly,