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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
5 pages in length. Myriad social ills currently plague America's educational system, not the least of which include standardized testing, school choice, mainstreaming and vouchers. The extent to which these dysfunctions have wholly jeopardized the fundamental concept of equitable learning is both grand and far-reaching; that many factions of American society do not receive an appropriate education speaks to the ongoing plight caused by these ever-present dysfunctions and the very reason for tremendous reform measures. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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concept of equitable learning is both grand and far-reaching; that many factions of American society do not receive an appropriate education speaks to the ongoing plight caused by these ever-present
dysfunctions and the very reason for tremendous reform measures. The issue of educational reform exists because the very notion of academic achievement has
been lost within a quagmire of social, political and economic dysfunctions. For example, legislation has made it substantially easier for low income families to send their students to private
school by making the taxpayer foot the bill. Indeed, there has been considerable outrage over such a consideration, the primary point being that family A should not be responsible
for family Bs educational choices. As parents are given the option of sending their children to private school, the ones who will ultimately suffer for that choice are the
middle, upper-middle and upper income brackets. According to Astin (1992), "policymakers assume that such a setup would encourage schools to improve their standards to win more students and obtain
more vouchers. They fail to recognize, however, that a choice system will only redistribute students according to their achievement levels and will not act as a powerful incentive for
improvement" (p. 255). According to Gehring (2000), the overall consensus on standardized testing is less than commendable; while the program may have originally
been formulated from a positive perspective, it has sorely failed to meet its objective, instead leaving behind a trail of segregation and inequity in its wake. Being that "most
teachers have deep reservations about the exams and believe that denying students a diploma and a lifetime of opportunity based on a single flawed and unfair test is not the