Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Development of Industrial Relations; The Impact of the Move from Collectivism to Individualism. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper considers the way in which industrial relations have changed due to increased emphasis on individualism. The writer considers the way in which the law and social attitudes have been interrelated and the way in which new forms of collectivism which embody co-operation and consent are also accompanied by an increased legal power for unions. The paper focuses in the UK. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
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one of conflict. However, with developments in the law and the way in which trade unions and unionism have development may be seen as interrelated. If we look at
the way the attitude towards unions have evolved, and consider the way they have changed whilst the environment has moved from being one of collectivism to one supporting limited individualism.
If we look at this changing role of the unions, then we can also understand why the law has also been developing, and how, in more recent development we
cha argue that the pendulum is beginning to swing back. The commercial environment has changed a great deal over the last few
decades. From an age of unionism and collective bargaining we have seen the evolution of individualism in the workplace, which is reflected in the separate contracting of individuals and the
attitudes of both employees and employers. It has been said that this can be interpreted as the concept of collectivism being seen as out of date and the evidence, at
first glance, appears to corroborate this assertion. Yet when we look more closely, we can argue that collectivism is not out of date, but that is it is a particular
style of collectivism that is now dated and that the new way forward should be a new form of collectivism based on co-operation and consensual practises, rather than the adversarial
style which marked the 1970s in the United Kingdom or the loss of collectivism although. When first looking at collectivism the mistake should not be made that it is
defined by the labour movements of the 1970s. This was only a very singular aspect of collectivism. The conflict that was seen at this time between the unions and the