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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
(5 pp.) Humans have been hoping for the perfect
world forever, forgetting that they were once
expelled from it, and it may be quite some time
before there is another open apartment in the
park. Edgar Allan Poe envisioned "Eldorado" (1849)
Henry David Thoreau lived at Walden Pond for over
two years, "living deep and sucking out all the
marrow of life." Both spoke of their version of
the "perfect" life. This discussion will compare
and contrast those two versions of "perfection."
Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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5 pages (~225 words per page)
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deep and sucking out all the marrow of life." Both spoke of their version of the "perfect" life. This discussion will compare and contrast those two versions of
"perfection." Bibliography lists 2 sources. Bbpurrft.doc THE CONCEPT OF SEEKING PERFECTION Written by B. Bryan Babcock for the Paperstore, Inc., March 2001 Introduction Humans have been hoping
for the perfect world forever, forgetting that they were once expelled from it, and it may be quite some time before there is another open apartment in the park.
Edgar Allan Poe envisioned "Eldorado" (1849) Henry David Thoreau lived at Walden Pond for over two years, "living deep and sucking out all the marrow of life." Both spoke
of their version of the "perfect" life. This discussion will compare and contrast those two versions of "perfection." Realistic goal? Is either the quest for the "land of perfect
harmony and riches," or "seeking the land of total peace and harmony" a realistic goal? Or are realistic goals even necessary? That of course becomes a personal choice.
I like goals that can be accomplished, even if it takes some time. I suppose I would call myself a person of short range and long range goals.
Using these two authors as our information base, we might say that one, in light of our life today, chose an unrealistic goal. The other one, could claim a
realistic goal since he was actually able to live it. I also think it is important to realize that the way that we seize the events of our lives
influences our ability to set goals, whether we are poets, writers of essays, or just composers of grocery lists. Poe was given a difficult piece of baggage to carry.