Sample Essay on:
The Communication Process

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 4 page paper looks at the communicatiosn process. The paper stats by considering the process in terms of the sender, encoding, channel choice, decoding and receiver. The paper then looks at communications within an organization and describes the different models for communications patterns; the chain, the wheel and all channel. The bibliography cites 1 source.

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tasks, or the context in which they were working. Communication is defined by the dictionary as "The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behaviour" (, 2007). From this we can see communication can take place in a range of conscious and unconscious models, either directly or indirectly. This may also take place in a unilateral manner, one to one, or one to many, or a bilateral manner where there is communication between parties rather than one way communication. Different types of communication will be suited to different purposes and environments. However, for communication to be effective the message which is being communicated and the message which is received need to be aligned. There are a number of stages to communication process whatever type of mutation is taking place. Communication will start at the source, the message will then be encoded ready to be sent, it will be communicated through channel, the message will then be decoded and received. The source and message is its point of origin. In an organisation to source may be management, but it may equally be other employees. The message is the information that is being communicated, and encoding is the way in which the information would be communicated. Encoding needs to take into consideration aspects such as cultural values, potential mistaken assumptions as well as ensuring all relevant information is included. If a communicator does not understand their audience there is a potential that the message will be encoded poorly, for example using irrelevant analogies which can lead to one of the three main ways that communication can fail; a breakdown of the sender. Where there is a sender breakdown this means the error or cause of the failure is ...

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