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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 12 page paper provides an overview of Chaim Potok's novel The Chosen. This paper outlines the characters, and then provides a chapter by chapter review of the book.
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Daniel struggles with his identification and his fathers Hasidic beliefs, and Reb Saunders is conflicted over his sense of obligation to his community and his lack of influence over his
son. Reuven Malter and his father, David Malter, are the other two major characters and are often contrasted with the other pair. Reuven is a friend of Daniel
and his beliefs are in conflict with the teachings of the Rabbi Saunders. While Reb Saunders represents the orthodox faith and the staunch application of religious beliefs, Reuven and
his father are liberal Jews who believe that modernization and change are necessary. Reuven attempts to help Daniel develop his own beliefs, even those this creates great conflict with
Daniels father. David Malter, Reuvens father, is a teacher and believes in changes that need to take place in their faith in order to continue to spread their message
throughout the modern world. A number of minor characters appear throughout the novel, including a number of people in the hospital with Reuven. These include Mr. Savo and
Billy. Further, Dannys family and friends of his father, which include Rav Gershenson, Levi Saunders (Dannys sickly brother) and Dannys sister. Chapter 1 In this first chapter,
we meet the main characters, Reuven Malter and Danny Saunders, two boys with similar backgrounds who meet at a baseball game. Danny Saunders is the son of a Hasidic
rabbi and attends a parochial school that separates him from the children in his neighborhood. Reuven attends a different "yeshiva," one that is more liberal in which his father,
David Malter, is a teacher. Danny and Reuven meet when they play baseball against each other. Their teams are in opposition, both in the game and ideologically,