Sample Essay on:
The Character of Huckleberry Finn

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 4 page paper which examines the development of the character of Huckleberry Finn in Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” Bibliography lists 2 additional sources.

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4 pages (~225 words per page)

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It is a story that shows the development of one young man as he encounters the society around him. And, as a unique and somewhat rebellious youth, Hucks development takes many different forms. Bearing that in mind the following paper briefly discusses several themes which are presented in Twains book. These themes are, in many ways, conditions which set the structure of Hucks development. Death and Rebirth This is perhaps one of the most obvious themes within the story in light of the fact that fairly early on in the story we see Huck presumed dead while he is actually off living and having adventures. In the very beginning we see Huck as a young man living under the roof of very religious women. He is stifled in many ways, and longs to be free of the constraints. He quickly finds himself with his father, however, and thereby creates evidence of a false attack, wherein everyone essentially thinks he is dead. He is then free to do whatever he wants, to reconstruct himself, and to essentially be reborn in whatever form he wishes to take. Throughout all of his adventures he is constantly pretending to be one type of person or another, thus experimenting with his rebirth into the world and into society. He plays with different roles because he can in light of the fact that everyone thinks he is dead. And, in the end, this theme comes back to further assist him in his rebirth and development as he discovers that his father is dead and he no longer needs to fear him or dread his return. Freedom Versus Bondage Huck finds freedom through his death. He is able to seek out whatever life he may desire, and seek out any position in ...

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