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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
In 5 pages the author discusses the views of the Catholic Church on the death penalty, which is also known as capital punishment. The position of the Catholic Church is opposition to the ultimate punishment, which is the death penalty. There are many instances in which officials of the Catholic Church have voiced opposition to capital punishment. It is perceived to be against the Catechism. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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ultimate punishment, which is the death penalty. There are many instances in which officials of the Catholic Church have voiced opposition to capital punishment. It is perceived to
be against the Catechism. Even with the stance that the Catholic Church has taken toward the death penalty, the number of
executions has continued to rise. In 1994, there were 42 women and 2,760 men on death row. More than thirty of those men were actually under the age
of 18 years when they committed their offenses (Drinan, 1994, 13). Between the years of 1976 and 1993 there were over two hundred men put
to death (13). One woman was put to death during that time period (13). Texas has been the leader in executions, with 31.4 of those occurring in that
state (13). Other states have a great deal fewer than 15% each of the executions (13). Of the 50 states, 36 have death penalty laws (Drinan, 1994, 13).
After new evidence was brought forth, 45 of the inmates on death row were released because they were innocent of the crimes that they were
to be put to death for (Drinan, 1994, 13). Anderson (1998) asserted that 70 people were found innocent after the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1976 (Anderson, 1998,
10). Drinan (1994) asserted that eighty-eight of the 220 executed were black (13). Fourteen of them were Latino. Nine were mere teenagers when their offenses occurred, since
they were under the age of 18 (Drinan, 1994, 13). The death penalty is racially discriminatory. According to Drinan (1994), only