Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Case of Lille Tissages. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper considers a case study provided by the student. The writer answers four questions regarding pricing strategy. The bibliography cites 1 source.
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price changes, and when the company was at the same price level as its competitors its sales were growing. The was true when the industry had process of FF 20,
and also when both the industry and Lille Tissages lowered their price to FF15. If we look a the historical evidence we
see that as soon as the company increased their process they also lost market share and the sale volume also fell. Therefore, the immediate consideration must be how to regain
this lost market share. The pattern appears to be very clear, and as such there is an indication that this market share may be regained in the price is decreased.
However, there are also others in the company that argue the quality of the companies material is so good that this price may
be maintained, however to do this we would need to argue that a change of approach would be needed, and whilst there were still many suitable substitutes the elasticity would
remain such that when there was a price increase there would be at least a potential decreases in sales and profits. The
company, we are told, has the lowest costs in the industry, and as such we can argue that this company may be seen as the cost leader when considering Porters
sources of competitive advantage. This means that they are able to take advantage of their lower costs in order to compete more efficiently. We see that there is a project
by the sales manager that if the sales price stays the same volume will be reduced to 70,000, but decreasing the price will increases sales to 25% of the market