Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Bureaucracy of Aid to Pentagon Families. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper looks at an article by Salmon and Hanlon who explore the problems of families who were affected by the September 11th tragedy at the Pentagon. Max Weber's concept of bureaucracy is defined and applied to the situations explored in the article. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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of Traci Rowenhorst, a September 11th survivor who lost her husband in the crash at the Pentagon (A01). That is just a part of the story. The article addresses all
the problems that have come about since the terrorist attacks, at least as it concerns families who have been directly affected by it. There is emotion that is conveyed but
a large part of the problem is the bureaucracy involved. In other words, in addition to dealing with grief, affected family members still have bills to pay. There was a
lot of money collected but for some reasons, there have been delays in getting the money to people who need it . Over
the course of a two-month period since the attacks, families have been dealing with the financial realities and their despair has been compounded by the puzzling array of funds that
quickly sprang up as well as the confusion over how to tap into them (Salmon and Hanlon A01). Also, there is growing concern about how the charities are handling the
funds collected (A01). It is true that as soon as the attacks were over, many organizations began to collect cash. Local school districts near New York City for example, began
to collect funds and they also rounded up needed supplies. At some point, the workers were inundated with contributions and claimed they did not need anymore. At some point the
Red Cross had enough money too. Yet, an unprecedented telethon dominated the airwaves on a Friday not long after the attacks. With all of these collections that have taken place,
where has all the money gone? Some families report having experienced erratic treatment by the different relief agencies (Salmon and Hanlon