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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper provides an overview of Neil Simon's Brighton Beach Memoirs. This paper outlines the reasons why this novel was important and the contextual elements that impacted the readersehip. No additional sources cited.
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States in the international military arena, it had also defined the economic changes related to the war and favorable wartime conditions that were lost in the post-War era. Some
historians have even attributed the stock market crash of 1929 to the culmination of economic changes following the end of the Great War, and this same set of circumstances also
led to the emerging decadence that occurred in the 1920s and 1930s. Neil Simons Brighton Beach Memoirs is a novel that considers the nature of the economic and
social changes during the first half of the 20th century and reflects upon the conditions that inherently led to the decline in national morality in the midst of one families
struggles. Simons protagonist is an individual who is driven in his daily activities, his life in the family, and even in the pursuit of love, by his own lusts, rejecting
some of the major dictums of the external society. This is the climate in which Neil Simon finds his comic element, and the tenets of comedy embraced within the
scope of the story relate directly to the view of family life presented. Initially, the story considers the life and role of Eugene Morris Jerome, who struggles to understand the
truths and mysteries of life in his sometimes stifling family constructs. Eugene is a boy who is driven by his two great loves in life, baseball and women, and
neither of these are of substantial importance within his given family culture. It becomes evident through the progression of comic elements and the development of the text that Neil
Simons comedy is based in part on his own life. The main story in Brighton Beach Memoirs is linked to the concept of family and the struggles of