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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 20 page paper examines the process of internationalisation seen with the expansion of Anita Roddick's Body Shop. Starting out in 1976 as a single outlet this has grown to a chain of franchises across 49 countries. The paper looks a the way this has been achieved with the use of competitive advantages and the stages in the internationalisation process. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
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period of globalisation, with many UK firms moving outwards, seeking to extend the use of their developed competitive advantage into new markets. This may be as a result of push
factors, such as existing maturity in the home market and increasing difficulty in competing, as seen with many supermarkets. Alternatively it may be due to pull factors, where there is
foreseen to potential of another market to add profits to the company also seen with any UK supermarkets entering areas where the grocery retail industry is not yet mature.
However, it is not only the large stores, such as Tesco and Sainsbury or department and clothes stores such as Marks and Spencer that are have been expanding., This has
also been seen in some smaller niche market suppliers. One UK retailer than now has a global empire is The Body Shop. This company has undergone internationalisation to a greater
extent than many larger and more well known international chains of stores. If we look at this company it has undergone this transformation on a massive scale, but instead of
becoming a global company it has retained the statue of multinational company as defined by Bartlet Goshal, acting on a global scale, but responding to different markets however there are
some characteristics that lean towards globalism. Today the company has more than 1700 outlets in 49 countries and operating in twenty four different languages. The company is generally
recognised as having a model that as successfully managed to transfer to international markets based on the model of operation and also the way in which the aspect of differentiation
and the definition of the target markets are constant in the different markets where they are operating. To appreciate this process of internationalisation we need to look at the