Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on The Bill Gates Story. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper looks at the life of Gates and how he built an empire. Personal information as well as details about Microsoft are relayed. Quotes from an interview and his book are included.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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he is a celebrity as well. Of course, Gates does not engage in scandalous behavior. A family man, Bill Gates has not seemingly strayed. If he had, the National Inquirer
had not picked up on it. But it is not all good. He is the computer genius everyone loves to hate. Dominating the market, people who do not like
the Windows software blame him for the popularity of the platform, so much so that little else can compete. This reduces consumer choice. In his book entitled The Road Ahead,
Gates covers a variety of subjects including computer related specifics. Much of the book includes information about new Microsoft products. Integral to his thoughts however, is the concept that computers
will change everyones life and the daily decisions they make. He was right on the mark with that projection. In a way, the book advertises what is in store for
Microsoft. Yet, it does provide the reader, particularly the technician, with a very specific view. Whether everyone will be living in a Microsoft world or not remains to be seen.
But so far, Gates has managed to dominate the industry so he just might be right in his predictions. Others who agree might emphasize that it is a Microsoft world
already. His childhood was rather ordinary. Bills father was a lawyer and his mother, a school teacher ("William H. Gates"). Clearly, he came from an intelligent family that valued education.
While he made it into Harvard, Bill Gates would drop out in his junior year to pursue what had become Microsoft ("William H. Gates"). Many would have gotten the
degree, but it seems as if Bill was excited about his idea and took it to the extreme. He realized that early on he was different. Gates writes: "Like all