Sample Essay on:
The Benefits of Being Less Judgmental

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 4 page paper which examines the benefits of becoming less judgmental. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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4 pages (~225 words per page)

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are doing. People assume someone who cuts them off in traffic is a rude human being, or they assume that a person who is a criminal is an evil person who has no right to live or have freedoms. The truth is that the human race judges every single day and because of this entire governments and political bodies judge as well, ultimately ruling the world through judgments. Judgment is not moral, ethical, or just and will always lead to error and narrow views. The following paper examines the problems with being judgmental and the benefits of being less judgmental. The Benefits of Being Less Judgmental Many people seek to be less judgmental based on their religious or spiritual pursuits. For example, one author notes that, "Releasing judgement is one of the hardest things we have to learn to do, to reach a stage of enlightenment. If everybody on the planet could accept all that is, without judgement, our planet would become enlightened immediately into the beautiful star it was always meant to be" (Hamilton, 2005). However, judgment, and letting go of judgments is not just a part of a spiritual or a religious pursuit. And, even though this author is seeking less judgment for enlightenment they also make solid points concerning all people such as indicating how easy, when watching television or the news, it is to "inwardly" judge and criticize (Hamilton, 2005). In truth, people do not even stop and think about what they are doing or why. It seems that most people likely judge because it makes them feel safe in their own convictions and their own life. It helps set boundaries and allows them to feel they belong to some part of society, believing their lifestyle is right, or finding it easier to ...

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