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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 15 page paper examines the UK automotive industry. The sales of cars has reached a mature stage, this report undertakes an in-depth Porters Five Forces analysis, looking at the influences of existing and new competition, the power of buyers and suppliers and the threat of substitutes. The paper then considers how an operations manager may use this information to consider an appropriate strategy. This includes an examination of the value chain as well as the need for differentiation. The last part of the paper considers the importance of the HRM and marketing managers in developing and supporting the strategy indicated by market and industry conditions. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
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15 pages (~225 words per page)
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power being attained by the consumer there is a difficult position for the companies seeking to sell cars in this market. The UK is a part of the EU market
and cannot be fully separated as many competitors bring cars in form other EU countries and car made in the UK also go out to EU countries. In Europe it
has been argued that the market is saturated, with growth in the future projected at not greater than between 1%-2% (IMAP Focus Group Report, 2002). However, other evidence also exists
that indicates the growth may not be this slow for some time. For example, in the UK the market still has a great deal more potential as the trend has
been to move away from one car households to households with two or more cars. Families with two or more cars have increased from 15% in 1985/6 to 22% in
2001 (The Department for Transport, 2002). For many car manufacturers this gives a mixed message especially when considering their position in the industry. One tool a company can use
is the Porters Five Forces Model, using this to identify the current market and trends in order to access current and develop future strategy. 2. Porters Five Forces 2.1 Existing Competition
The first of Porters five forces we will consider is that of rivalry, (exiting competition) within the existing market place. This rivalry may
take several forms, and will depend on the competitive structure of the industry. In the European Automotive industry there are many competitors, most of which are well established.
In terms structure car market may be seen as an oligopoly. The largest suppliers in order are "Ford, Vauxhall, Peugeot, Renault, Volkswagen and Rover;