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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
16 pages. The impact that telemedicine has on the modern world and modern medicine is growing quickly as technology evolves at an ever-increasing pace. Within this paper are some very interesting findings regarding telemedicine and how it influences today's world. While it is for the most part a positive influence there are still unforeseen problems emerging that must be dealt with, as this pioneering effort of contemporary medicine changes in ways previously never thought of. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
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in the medical community. This has been a boon to those in rural areas who might not have access to large hospitals or doctors of specialized medicine. Through
the advent of telemedicine it is now possible to review x-rays and other diagnostic tools over the Internet with doctors anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds.
Even more amazing is the possibility of attending surgeons at an operation who are able to assist through telemedicine in real time context. Much like a conference call,
videos and sound relayed over the Internet can allow specialists to offer their assistance without having to travel, thus saving precious time in emergencies. The downside to telemedicine is the
problematic system of medical licensure. Because different states have different requirements for medical practices doing medical consulting over the Internet has its drawbacks. When virtually anyone can access
the telemedicine site there is no way to ensure that the medical professionals that are being consulted meet all the requirements for a particular state. It can be argued
that this is the largest problem currently facing telemedicine but one that will, no doubt, be solve in one way or another as we see advances in the world of
telemedicine. INTRODUCTION The literature review of telemedicine articles is based on information all taken from scholarly journals. The impact that telemedicine has on the modern world and modern
medicine is growing quickly as technology evolves at an ever-increasing pace. Within this paper are some very interesting findings regarding telemedicine and how it influences todays world. While
it is for the most part a positive influence there are still unforeseen problems emerging that must be dealt with, as this pioneering effort of contemporary medicine changes in ways