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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper provides an overview of the issue of technological advancement and the prolonging of life from a positive financial perspective. This paper also responds to three questions on medical ethics. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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the costs involved with long-term care. When technological advancements support longer periods of physical autonomy, individuals can live prolonged lives with health issues with less of a need for
additional care costs. Researchers have recognized that health technology is constantly changing, but has the capacity to define innovations that can result in cost savings and improve quality of
life (Tulchinsky & Varavikova, 2009). One of the key aspects to defining the financial benefits of technology in prolonging life relates to the "appropriateness of technologies" in regards to
the ability to improve health conditions and improve strategies for healthcare (Tulchinsky & Varavikova, 2009, p. 568). Health technology should be utilized for the improvement of health conditions
when improvement can result in greater quality of life, or when improving systems can reduce the use of more costly health initiatives or measures for palliative care. Technologies should
be used for "intervening in the body or in pathological processes while coping with risks and side effects" (Lehoux, 2006, p. 85). At the same time, technologies can also
be used to extend life even in the context of "possible diminished quality of life (e.g. palliative technologies)" (Lehoux, 2006, p. 85). Balance, then, must be determined in relation
to the costs of technology, the costs of long-term care, and benefits of advanced technology in prolonging life. Q1: What are the ethical implications of exhausting plant and
vegetation to produce cancer saving drugs? Cancer is one of the most insidious illnesses, because it can occur initially without pain and without symptoms in some cases until it
has reached an advanced stage. Many times, diagnostic tools and screening methods do not detect cancers until they have progressed to a point of requiring considerable medical intervention in