Sample Essay on:
Teaching about Breast Cancer

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page research paper that begins by discussing the assignment scenario, which assumes that the student is an educational leader a health care organization, such as an HMO or other health insurer. The purpose of this lesson plan to teach a group of nurses about breast cancer, so that they can fully inform clients as to their options; available resources, and offer suitable support to women worried about or diagnosed with breast cancer during a time of crisis in their lives. The focus of this lesson plan is not on the details of the curriculum, but rather on the curriculum itself and how it should be taught to adult learners. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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a group of nurses about breast cancer, so that they can fully inform clients as to their options; available resources, and offer suitable support to these women worried about or diagnosed with breast cancer during a time of crisis in their lives. The focus of this lesson plan is not on the details of the curriculum, but rather on the curriculum itself and how it should be taught to adult learners. Content outline of the lesson plan Within the operation of the proposed scenario, it seems logical that while women with a breast cancer diagnosis will contact the organization in terms information on treatment options, there will also be inquires concerning breast cancer risk. Therefore, the student will be instructed in the use of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) breast cancer risk assessment tool (Malin and Pavlicek, 2008). The objectives of this part of the curriculum will be for the student to understand the signs and symptoms of breast cancer and the mechanics of determining breast cancer risk. There has been an increasing trend over the last several decades towards using less invasive surgical procedures than the traditional response to radical mastectomy as the preferred treatment option for breast cancer (Katz and Hawley, 2007). While many women prefer the least invasive surgical option, others prefer the traditional approach (Katz and Hawley, 2007). Therefore, a major topic that will be covered for these adult learners will be to give a comprehensive overview of the surgical options that are currently favored so that they can help women make an informed decision. The lesson objectives for this section of the curriculum are to cover the inherent risks and benefits for each option. In addition to decisions pertaining to surgery, patients are faced with treatment options relating to "radiation, chemotherapy and ...

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