Sample Essay on:
Teaching Plan/Surgical Hand Scrub, Gowning and Gloving

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 6 page research paper that provides a teaching plan for instructing nurses in the protocol for surgical hand scrub, gowning and gloving. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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6 pages (~225 words per page)

File: KL9_khhanster.doc

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which includes surgical hand scrub, and using sterile technique to don surgical gowns and gloves, due to the tremendous importance that this aspect of surgical preparation has to positive patient outcomes. Learners prior level of knowledge: In this section, the student researching this topic should describe her background and qualifications. The student may choose to write something similar to the following: I have been a perioperative nurse for 2 years, working in a large urban hospital, which means that I have daily experience with sterile technique and scrubbing, gowning and gloving. Or perhaps, the student does not have such experience, in which case, she should say indicate this. As a student, my primary experience with the surgical hand scrub, gowning and gloving has been through secondary sources. Learners perception of learning needs: As sterile technique in scrubbing, gowning and gloving, it is anticipated that learners will need to see this technique demonstrates in each instance, as well as being provided written description of the procedures involved. Instruction should, therefore, involve demonstration, with the learner repeating the demonstration. Learners attitude toward learning: Learning the intricacies of sterile technique are extremely important to the success of any surgical procedure. While I always cultivate a positive attitude and willingness to learn in regards to any nursing topic, I am particularly inspired to learn more about this topic so that I can use this information to instruct others in this fundamental nursing skill. Social, cultural and physical factors that affect learning: The sample paper offers specific details about the learner. Therefore, the student should fill in this section of the students own paper with a description of herself, giving her age and years of experience and background. The student may also indicate the following: Fortunately, I have no ...

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