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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page research paper that responds to lesson assignment for a pre-service teacher. The first part of the paper responds to a video and discussing parent/teacher relations in the early grades. The second part critiques a speech given by a teacher on “back to school” night with parents. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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cards. Specifically, it seems that parents want clarification about what "S" for satisfactory and "A" for acceptable mean with in the contexts of the established goals of the curriculum.
In the video, principal mentions that many parents perceive tests that their children are bringing home as "fluff." By discussing the education process with parents and the goals of the
curriculum, in other words, by discussing what skills are being accessed, the parents can obtain a better overall picture of why assessments takes certain forms and why these assessments are
not "fluff." The district administrator makes this point when she suggests getting teachers together to come up with ways to "actually transpose" that reading continuum onto the report card. This
suggestion pulls in input from school leaders, and it is logical to also enlist input from community leaders as well, and obtain their input as to precisely what sort of
information parents would like to have on report cards. Furthermore, the administrator suggests that it would be "good idea" to leave on the reports cards the designations "above grave
level, at grade level, and below grade level," which lets parents know where their child stands in regards to standards of performance, but then also offer information that lets parents
know how strong or weak their child is in specific skills. At this point, both the principal and the administrator agree that parents need this type of information in order
to aid their children in developing their skills. By keeping parents informed about their childs progress, that is, by providing truly meaningful data about how their child stands in
regards to the performance of specific skills, teachers keep parents "in the loop," so to speak, and this actively enlists their help in the education process. This enlistment of parental