Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on TUTORIAL: SYMBOLISM OF ELEMENTS IN LORD OF THE FLIES. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This tutorial paper examines three elements of symbolism in Lord of the Flies, including Piggy's glasses, the conch shell and the fire. The paper examines the thesis that these symbols help the plot move along, and are, in some ways, more representative of the occurrances on the island then the activities of the boys.
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read the novel. The saga of school-aged boys dropped onto a remote island in the wake of a nuclear catastrophe, and how they turned on one another instead of working
together created fear within ourselves as to how quickly we can sink to the level of cruelty and terror of animals. Actually, worse - animals rely on instinct, while humans
rely on reason. One thing that Lord of the Flies demonstrates, however, is that reason pretty much goes out the window when people are placed in dire circumstances.
This paper was written as a tutorial to help the student examine three symbols in this story; Piggys glasses, the conch shell and the fire;
and to determine how the symbols help both move the plot along and help bring a deeper meaning to the story. First of all, the student would need a specific
thesis by which to involve these three visual symbols - one such thesis is "this paper will explore is that the objects in the story hold more importance than do
the humans and their behavior. If not for the objects, the plot would be little more than boys becoming animals." Then, in examining the items one by one, the student
dissects both the outer meaning of the object and what that object is meant to determine in a deeper sense; and how those objects help define the boys.
In arguing the thesis, the student should take some time to actually paraphrase the story and its characters. The basic premise of the book, as
mentioned above, is that a group of boys are stranded on a tropical island after their plane has been shot down. The boys are not leaving much behind; however, nuclear