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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 15 page paper providing an overview of Total Quality Management as it applies to business in North America, for the purpose of assessing its continued usefulness in mature economies. The paper provides a history of TQM and the experiences of some organizations that have implemented it. The paper concludes that TQM is highly useful in developed economies and enables the organization to operate according to the precepts verbalized by the originator of the "what business are we in?" question. Levitt maintained that the purpose of any business was to get, and then keep, a customer, that growth and profitability would follow. Businesses committed to TQM have demonstrated that to be true. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
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15 pages (~225 words per page)
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Quality Management) was the buzzterm of the 1990s, a faddish catch-all palliative in corporate culture that eventually spread to all types of settings. The trend had begun in the
1980s after US industry had discovered the "secret" of Japanese manufacturing. As increasing numbers of manufacturers, engineers and managers became aware of the program it became apparent that there
was more to TQM than quality circles and Ishikawa diagrams. Rather than being just another initiative with prescribed and numbered steps to achieve a goal, TQM revealed itself to
be as much a management philosophy as a framework for achieving statistical control of manufacturing while increasing quality and simultaneously reducing costs. Some
North American companies claim that implementing TQM was the first step of growth for what was called the "new economy" in the late 1990s; others claim they tried to implement
TQM but that it was not for them, that it does not work as promised. Often, those organizations labeling their TQM efforts as failures tried to implement the facts
of TQM without the spirit of it. The thesis of this work not only is that TQM is highly workable in North America, but that it also provides a
means of positively altering corporate culture in ways beneficial to the organization. Overview of TQM TQM eventually came to be applied not only
to manufacturing environments but to everything from service business to mother love. It seemed to many to require quite a leap to effectively apply its principles to service industries,
but TQM is as much at home in the services and financial sectors as it is in manufacturing. Development At the time that