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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper is a comprehensive executive summary and a potential record of client meetings for a case where the student had to identify the problems at a company and identify the causes and recommend solutions. The paper outlines the problems and the solutions, which are a lack of sales, loss of differentiation and short term cash flow problem and traces how these were discovered and the way the solution was presented to the client. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
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8 pages (~225 words per page)
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Executive Summary The property market in Georgia is becoming more competitive as the area develops. TIC Real Estate Developers are based in Georgia with an ambitious
growth strategy. The company is fairy new and seeking to compete with the competitive advantage of differentiation, offering commercial premises with high tech facilities and above average surroundings. The
goals that are laid out for the company are being missed, three main problems have been identified. 1. The company is attracting enquires but these are not being converted
into signed contracts; the sales are not being closed. 2. The lack of sales is resulting in the broader market being targeted and the loss of the perceived differentiation
may be resulting in the loss of competitive advantage. 3. The lack of sales is also leading to a potential short term cash flow problem as the level
of development is creating more outgoings than the revenue can support. These different problems may be seen as linked, but all need to individual consideration and
the way they may be resulted depends on the type of problem. The use of a logical problem solving model has been applied to each issue. In each case we
defined the problem and considered the alternatives in order to evaluate the best course of action and to make the decision, or in this case a recommendation.
The processes used varied, with both hard and soft systems thinking utilised. Hard systems thinks was used for the logical issues where human involvement was at a minimum, such
as with financial issues. Soft systems thinking was the preferred tool where there were high degrees of human issues involved, to allow a broader range of issues to be considered,