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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
Examining e-commerce from the concept of developing nations, this paper discusses the explosion of electronic purchasing throughout the Third World -- and how various payment methods are made for electronic purchase of goods and services. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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nations that are considered technologically advanced and fairly wealth as well. Interestingly enough, however, third world countries are flocking to the Internet and e-commerce as well. As a result, new
technologies and systems are starting to spring into place to help consumers in Third World countries to better pay for the goods and services they are purchasing on the Internet.
In fact, according to Nicholas Negroponte, Media Lab founder at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Third World is the next growth
location for e-commerce (Seminerio, 2002). Part of the reason for the interest, he notes, is because many companies are giving computers away to developing nations in exchange for users demographic
data (Seminerio, 2002). In addition, he noted, in places like Cambodia and Phnom Pen, everyone uses a cell phone, very simply because the existing wire line system works poorly and
is very expensive (Seminerio, 2002). "The same thing is going to happen with e-commerce," Negroponte noted, particularly in areas that dont have good access to land lines (Seminerio, 2002).
If Negropontes assertions are true, however, how will e-commerce manifest itself? And another question - how will these nations pay for goods and
services ordered over the Internet? The most utilized methods of payment on the Internet are electronic payments or credit cards. Electronic payments,
such as PayPal and SmartCards, are generated payment via cyberspace, and some of this technology has been used by Third World countries (Gay, 2002). But for the most part, the
e-payments tend to mirror what were used to - and overall, there have been only two ways to pay: money we have or money we borrow (Gay, 2002). The difficulty