Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on THE WORK OF DIANA DER-HOVANESSIAN
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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper discusses the Armenian aspect integral to Diana Der-Hovanessian's poetry. Quotes cited from texts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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and her family arrived in America from Armenia to find refuge from the oppression that they and their family members had suffered under the regime in Armenia. Though removed from
her home country by time and distance, a part of Armenia always remained with Der-Hovanessian. This can be seen in her collections of poetry, each illustrating some facet of what
it means to be Armenian and American at the same time. Diana Der Hovanessian and her family came to the New England area where they were
able to make a place for themselves. Der Hovanessian has taught English and creative writing around the country for many years. But, one has to state, that it is her
collection of poems, to be found in such works as The Circle Dancers, Any Day Now, and Songs of Bread, that offer the reader the opportunity to immerse oneself in
a culture and an ethnic perspective that otherwise might have been an opportunity missed. In The Circle Dancers, one of her earlier works, she celebrates
the cultural images, sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of Armenia. Each poem has a feeling of motion, of a joy of life, despite having little material wealth. The Circle of
Dancers illustrates throughout the various poems, the Armenian experience of community. This community is not made up of relatives, but of neighbors who care for one another. The emotional support,
the spiritual support that they draw from one another is evident in many of the poems in this collection, which open the reader to the understanding of how the human
spirit can triumph even amidst the oppression of a government bent on punishing its people. Songs of Bread, Songs of Salt continues the articulation of