Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on THE STARBUCKS SUCCESS STORY. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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This 5-page paper reviews functional strategies Starbucks Corporation has used to fuel its success. Areas discussed include production, marketing and human resources. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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little time. Once a solo coffeehouse in Seattle, the Starbucks concept can be found on almost every busy corner in every major city of the United States, as well
as other countries. The reason why Starbucks has been so successful in many ways has been because of the companys ability to use strategies in different than those promoted by
the industry. For one thing, while most coffee houses and coffee manufacturers rely on advertising to spread news about their products, Starbucks has
always relied on both its workforce and word-of-mouth to let people know about its existence. In many ways, the companys human resources strategies and marketing strategies are linked with
one another. For one thing, Starbucks has regularly implemented outstanding benefits for its employees, particularly those employees working at the Seattle-based headquarters (Weiss,
1998). The Starbucks "special blend of employee benefits" include a work/life program focusing on physical, mental, emotional and creative components of each employees life (Weiss, 1998).
Starbucks management also prides itself on listening to employees needs, which has helped create a great deal of employee loyalty (Weiss, 1998). Thanks to this loyalty, the
company, as of 1998, had more than 1700 stores worldwide (Weiss, 1998). By 2003, that total had jumped to approximately 5900 coffee shops in about 25 countries (Hoovers Company Profiles,
2003). In addition to coffee drinks and coffee beans, Starbucks sells food items and auxiliary products such as coffee mugs, coffee makers, grinders and storage containers (Hoovers Company Profiles, 2003).
In addition, Starbucks is trying to steal breakfast patrons away from McDonalds and Burger King by implementing an experimental breakfast sandwich menu in many of its locations (Hoovers Company Profiles,