Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on THE PATH OF A DISCRIMINATION COMPLAINT. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5-page paper discusses the path of a work-based discrimination complaint, focusing on a fictitious employee named John. Through this paper, we see John file through the EEOC, then through the court system. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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minds is that this is a matter for a courtroom and a jury. The assumption for this, likely as not, is an outgrowth of the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court hearings
from 1991, during which former associate Anita Hill accused Thomas, a Supreme Court Justice nominee, of sexual harassment. Because of that, almost everyone believes that most discrimination or harassment suits
end up in civil court, no matter what. The truth is, however, that depending on the state in which the plaintiff resides,
a discrimination or harassment suit in the workplace must take its path from reporting the problem to the appropriate place a the place of employment, then a file through the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), then through whatever state agency there is (typically a state-wide department of human rights). Only after all of those remedies are exhausted, can litigation go
through the court system. In fact, its explanatory on the EEOCs Web site that before a private lawsuit is filed in court, a charge needs to be filed with the
EEOC (The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2003). In this particular case, the potential plaintiff is a man by the name of
John, who is an employee in a private sector organization. John, who believes he has been discriminated against, wants to file a complaint against his employer. Well assume, for purposes
of this paper, that John has already been to his boss, and to the human resources department of his company to file a complaint, because this is what many experts
recommend when it comes to filing complaints in terms of harassment or discrimination. Well also assume that John has documented all of