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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4-page paper presents an example of what a marketing audit is and what should be included in one. The paper also discusses several components (time lines, personnel) that are involved in putting together such an audit. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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include key tasks and due dates, as well as personnel used and other information. Before we begin, however, lets examine what is involved
in a marketing audit. First, its broad in focus (as opposed to specific, or narrow) (Kotler et al, 1989). Second, its conducted by an outsider, someone who is independent or
neutral in terms of the operation that is being analyzed or evaluated (Kotler et al, 1989). Independence comes about in two ways -- either the audit is an inside affair
conducted by someone outside the company, or its strictly an outside audit conducted by a management consulting firm or practitioner (Kotler et al, 1989).
Third is that the audit is systematic -- in other words, there is a specific system to it and it involves an orderly sequence of specific, diagnostic steps (Kotler
et al, 1989). Finally, a marketing audit needs to be periodically conducted -- audits should be conducted both when things are going well
with a company -- and when things are maybe going poorly as well (Kotler et al, 1989). The first step is to set
an objective and scope of the audit (Kotler et al, 1989). In this case, maybe overall sales are down and need to be improved.
But the standard audit goes beyond the bottom line -- any audit needs to involve how the market views both the company and its competitors, a pricing policy, a
product evaluation system and then finally, how sales activity can be improved in terms of the salesforce (involving compensation, measurement of performance and maybe new hires) (Kotler et al, 1989).