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This 5 page paper gives the account of the author of the book of the Gospel of Mark. Issues of secrecy are explored as well as the style of writing, his use of the novel form, and his presentation of the ministry and meaning of Jesus's evangelism. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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of study one finds out remarkable details that could very easily make Mark one of modern mans favorite books in the Holy Bible. Did someone named Mark really write it?
Did he actually know Jesus? Why did he write this book? And, finally, what did he make of Jesus and His teachings? In order to answer these questions, a source
criticism of Marks Gospel will be helpful. What is source criticism? According to Brent Herbert, "Source criticism involves attempting to identify the sources which a particular author may have relied
upon in composing a certain document. This methodology has particular application in any analysis of documents in the Church Testament" (Herbert, 2002). Sometimes source criticism comes in handy when the
stated origins of a piece of work lack credibility. For example, Robert Grant writes that "The idea that Mark wrote a gospel is attested by Papias, early in the second
century; he says that Mark never encountered Jesus but later became the disciple and interpreter of Peter" (Grant, 2002). F.F. Bruce provides more specifics, citing Papias actual quote (from Eusebius
Ecclesiastical History): "Mark, having been the interpreter of Peter, wrote down accurately all that he [Peter] mentioned, whether sayings or doings of Christ; not, however, in order. For he
was neither a hearer nor a companion of the Lord; but afterwards, as I said, he accompanied Peter, who adapted his teachings as necessity required, not as though he were
making a compilation of the sayings of the Lord. So then Mark made no mistake, writing down in this way some things as he [Peter] mentioned them; for he paid
attention to this one thing, not to omit anything that he had heard, nor to include any false statement among them" (cited in Bruce, 2002). This tells us