Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on THE FUTURE OF OFFICE AUTOMATION
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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper discusses the future of office automation. Specific systems discussed as well as their application. Security issues discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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made the office workers job easier and has streamlined the efficiency of the average office. The innovations continue to evolve leaving one wondering what other inventions still lay just beyond
the door of discovery and what one might look forward to in the upcoming years by the way of office automation. The electronic revolution resulted in the exponential growth of
communications applications. This virtually transformed, almost overnight, the way that business was approached and executed in the last of the twentieth century. Integrated into the business environment, office automation improved
productivity, both quantitatively as well as qualitative. Now, some few years later, no office is without one or more components of this revolution. The digital revolution has already begun. In
1995 it was reported that nearly sixty million personal computers were sold worldwide and that the following year it jumped to nearly eighty million(Cassell 1996). Virtually every area of life
has now been affected by the use of the internet and email capabilities. The internet offers complete objectivity in that it is available twenty four hours, offering a forum for
just about anything. A cyber-culture is possible as well, allowing those to change their realities for a while before reentering the work world. In the future, one has to think
that space will be a consideration. With the advent of newer, faster, more efficient tools, a reduction in space may well be an upcoming trend. In some cases, a virtual
office may make more fiscal sense. Or, in many cases, it may become a combination of a smaller physical space combined with a larger virtual space. Total flexibility will more
than likely be the name of the game, enabling workers to be productive no matter where they find themselves. Telecommuting, hoteling (where multiple staffers share a desk and office) and