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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 11-page paper discusses Motorola's downfall, and the likely causes. Bibliography lists 15 sources.

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11 pages (~225 words per page)

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had a point. Though Motorola seemed to be chasing some dubious acquisitions, it was leading the way in the handheld cell phone market - and it achieved its pinnacle in the early to mid 2000s, when it introduced its sleek, cool, RAZR handset. Then it all went downhill from there. Today, the Motorola of yore is actually two Motorolas how, split because the single one was failing miserably. What happened in that decade time-frame between the Motorola that came out with solid-state radios in the mid-20th century, platforms in the 1960s and ultimately, that RAZR phone. In this paper, well discuss Motorolas background, and the factors that helped it to fail. Overview Motorola got its start in the late 1940s, when Paul Galvan, the maker of car radio receivers and two-way radios for the U.S. Army, officially set up shop in Schaumberg, IL (Epperson (b), 2012). During the 1950s, Motorola focused on manufacturing integrated circuits and microprocessors and, in 1959, when the company acquired a hospital communications systems maker, it produced the industrys first pagers (Epperson (b), 2012). The company became synonymous with transistor radios and television sets. During the 1970s, the focus began to change - it acquired Codex in 1977 and Universal Data Systems in 1978 and began developing its first cellular phone system (Epperson (b), 2012). In 1990, Motorola organized the 66-satellite Iridium communication system, then began developing the PowerPC chip with Apple and IBM in the early 1990s (Epperson (b), 2012). But troubles loomed - the highly competitive cell phone market and downturn in semiconductor sales led Motorola to a $2 billion restructuring charge in 1998 (Epperson (b), 2012). From the late 1990s through ...

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