Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF MUGHAL EMPEROR AKBAR TO THE CREATION OF THE INDIAN NATIONAL IDENTITY. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
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This 4 page paper discusses the influence of Akbar the Great on the development and modern National Indian Identity. Examples given. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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only thirteen. Emperor Akbar, of the Mughal Empire, would go on to make such a lasting impact on the development of his country, which would later be called, India, that
his legacy is still seen and felt to this day. In fact, most experts will state that it was the contributions of Akbar the Great which helped to shape the
Indian National Idenity. Akbar did not start out his rule with a calm demeanor as many might think. Considering that he was
barely a teenager when he assumed the throne, he inherited a kingdom that was in chaos. In a pivotal point in history, a knowledgeable regent assisted Akbar in these early
years, filling in the holes in Akbars education, and schooling him in various affairs of state. This would serve him in good stead when the first attempt was made against
Akbar. The young emperor was successful in his first campaign and won it in spectacular fashion so much so, that his legend began to grow from that moment forward.
There were other obstacles that the young ruler faced. Of obvious fact was the virtue of his tender age. Were it not for a
shrewd advisor who protected him and insured his safety, it is without doubt that the young prince would have seen another birthday. Because
he was born while his parents were in exile, Akbar was raised in the rugged country of Afghanistan, rather than in a royal setting. Therefore, most of his youth was
spent in the rural part of the country where his skills in hunting, fishing, and fighting were honed to perfection. Unfortunately, courtly skills, even kingly skills such as political history,