Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Synthesis Nursing Research Critique of a Quantitative Research Article. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper provides an overview of a research article in the field of nursing. This paper relates the major points of a quantitative research article, including the nature of the variables, the methods used, and the outcomes. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. The Impact of a Multimedia
Informational Intervention on Healthcare Service Use: An Article Review , 11/2010 paper properly! Loiselle and Dubois (2009) created
a research study entitled The Impact of a Multimedia Informational Intervention on Healthcare Service Use among Women and Men Newly Diagnosed with Cancer, designed to assess methods for providing patient
support. The student demonstrated that some programs improve patient perspectives on information, but that there were differences in the outcomes in certain populations. Purpose of the Study The
purpose of the study sought to determine the impact of technology-based informational support on the patient perspectives on healthcare services for individuals newly diagnosed with cancer. The authors sought
to determine whether the use of a multimedia informational support program improved perceptions of men and women diagnosed with prostate or breast cancer about the information provided for cancer support.
The authors selected these two cancers because they are distinguishable by gender, and because they are two of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in Canada and the United States
(Loiselle & Dubois, 2009). Research Questions The three research questions introduced by the researchers are: 1. Does reliance on healthcare services vary between the intervention
and control groups, and are there potential sex differences? 2. Are participants more satisfied with informational support provided by the intervention as opposed to support received in the usual care
condition? 3. Do the aforementioned factors vary across time (e.g. between T1 and T3)? (Loiselle & Dubois, 2009, p. 38). These research questions provide the foundation from which