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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5-page paper examines the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution and how the Supreme Court ruled on an imaginary court case regarding searches and seizures. There are 4 sources cited.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Supreme Court Case Research Compiled for
, Inc. by P. Giltman 6/2010 Please With the number of technological advancements being made and the plethora
of camera phones and recording devices available in the world today, it is nearly impossible for anyone to lead a truly private and secluded life. The reader and writer of
this court brief could be under a surveillance camera right now and possibly not even know it. Nevertheless, there are many different forms of privacy and different cultures have different
standards as to what constitutes an invasion of privacy. For example, there is what is known as physical privacy where intruders or strangers are prevented from invading ones home or
personal space. This right to privacy by putting up walls or fences on ones property is completely legal as stated in the Fourth Amendment. This constitutional right also prevents law
enforcement officials from conducting unreasonable searches and seizures. Next, there is informational or data privacy. It is public knowledge that people have the right to keep personal information like bank
accounts, credit cards, social security numbers and even religious and political affiliations to themselves. People can keep their sexual lives private as well as the type of medical treatments they
receive or possible disorders they have been clinically diagnosed with. In the Supreme Court Case Jones vs. the United States, the plaintiff argues that while the federal governments new technological
advancements can infringe on an individuals privacy, everyone has a constitutional right to keep their personal information private if they so desire. However, keeping that information private with the recent