Sample Essay on:
Summary of Falls in a Home Care Agency

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 3 page paper presents a simulated summary of falls in patients of a home care agency. The falls are assessed over the period of a year, looking at incidence rates for men and women and the different types of outcomes, including various injuries sustained. The bibliography cites 3 sources.

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3 pages (~225 words per page)

File: TS65_TEfallscasesum.doc

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and they type of falls as well as the type of injuries sustained. To assess the position of the care agency the history of falls in the patient bases has been examined over a period of twelve months ending August 2012. The data has been collected in an anonymous fashion, so any potential identifiers are no longer present in line with general ethical requirements (Berman, 2002, p25). Of the patients age 65 years or older the fall rate for the last 12 months ending August 2012 was 35.5%1. It is notable that the falls were more frequent in the winter months compared to the summer; the rate of all falls is shown in the table below. This indicates there are increased falls in the winter with a slight increase in the summer. It is notable that the majority of the falls occulted in or around the home, including the yard or garden, which accounted for 71% of falls. The rate of falls is greater in women compared to men, accounting for 62% of the falls whereas men accounted for 28% of the falls. In terms of injuries the most common was general cuts and bruising, these were the only injuries in 53% of the falls recorded. It should be noted that for other types of injury there were some cross overs, for example, a patient may suffer a broken wrist and a sprained ankle. Table 1; Injury types Type of injury Total Breakdown of injury type Cuts and bruises only 53% Head and face 24% Torso 12% Limbs 17% Sprains 31% Upper limbs 13% Lower limbs 27% Other 4% Fractures 38% Upper limbs 19% forearm 12% Lower limbs 15% hip 11% Other 4% From this is ...

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