Sample Essay on:
Suetonius' ‘‘The Twelve Caesars'' / Reflection Roman Culture & Society

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A 5 page essay that looks at what can be learned about Roman culture from this ancient document.

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wrist-length sleeves with fringes to his purple-striped senatorial tunic, and the belt which he wore over it was never tightly fastened-hence Sullas warning to the aristocratic party: Beware of that boy with the loose clothes! " (Julius Caesar verse 45) They are full of intrigue, scandal, murder and sex. Although the essence of human nature hasnt changed over the millenniums (murder, scandal, intrigue, etc. still exist), its interesting to see these happenings through the ancient Roman perspective of Suetonius. This was a perspective that totally accepting of racism. Cruelty and torture were of no particular consequence as long as they was performed against non-Romans. Omens, natural events seen as portended dangers, and the stars were heavy influences on human affairs. Honor, dignity, and respect in the eyes of others were qualities that were extremely valued. For example, Suetonius recounts Julius Caesars attributes at length; his generosity towards his friends, his lack of vindictiveness, his evenhanded treatment of the enemy after the civil war with the followers of Pompey, yet he states, ...other deeds and sayings of Caesars may be set to the debit account, and justify the conclusion that he deserved assassination.. Not only did he accept excessive honors, such as a life-consulship, a life-dictatorship, ....a statue standing among those of the ancient kings, and a raised couch placed in the orchestra at the Theatre....What made the Romans hate him so bitterly was that when, one day, the entire Senate, armed with an imposing list of honors that they had just voted him, came to where he sat in front of the Temple of Mother Venus, he did not rise to greet them. (Julius Caesar, verses 76-78) Suetonius saw Julius Caesars behavior as a serious insult to the Senate and the Roman people in general. According to ...

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