Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Studying the Current Economic, Population, Growth and Age Distribution Rates in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This is a 6 page paper studying the impact of the economy on population, the population impact on the economy, the growth rate and the age distribution in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The strong economy in Toronto attracts new businesses and has a direct impact on the increase in population in the area. Similarly, the growth in population, primarily from immigration directly impacts the economy of Toronto in that the new immigrant populations provide more investment and business opportunities than the immigrant populations of several decades ago in addition to providing a vital human work force. Other factors which are studied in regards to economic impact are growth rates and age distribution for the growth rate can determined which areas in Canada and regionally Toronto, have increased in population compared with other communities and the age distribution is able to determine present and future trends in regards to goods and services required in addition to predicting future employment trends such as the estimated mass retirement of baby boomers beginning in the year 2010.
Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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Similarly, the growth in population, primarily from immigration directly impacts the economy of Toronto in that the new immigrant populations provide more investment and business opportunities than the immigrant populations
of several decades ago in addition to providing a vital human work force. Other factors which are studied in regards to economic impact are growth rates and age distribution for
the growth rate can determined which areas in Canada and regionally Toronto, have increased in population compared with other communities and the age distribution is able to determine present and
future trends in regards to goods and services required in addition to predicting future employment trends such as the estimated mass retirement of baby boomers beginning in the year 2010.
Economy on Population Torontos economy is considered as the core of the regions financial and administrative center in addition to being considered the "gateway to the international marketplace". In international
business surveys, business leaders "consistently rank Toronto one of the top 10 cities in the world in which to locate their businesses because of the services, amenities and quality of
life the City has to offer" and Toronto is "part of a diverse and dynamic regional economy that has both a strong manufacturing base and service sector" (Victorian, 2000). Ten
industries are among those which are considered beneficial to the economic prosperity of the city which includes: aerospace, automotive; apparel and textile; biomedical and biotechnology; business and professional services; financial
services; food and beverage processing; information technology and communications; media; and tourism. The automotive industry alone is considered as the second largest in North America to Detroit being the largest
(Victorian, 2000). The strong economy and vibrant industrial sectors obviously have a large impact on the population of Toronto as the strong economy especially attracts businesses and people to locate