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A 3 page paper which examines the stubbornness of Antigone in the story of the same name, and the main character in Knut Hamsun’s novel “Hunger.” Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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as anger and confuse the reader. Stubbornness can be related to greatness in the face of all adversity but it can also be related to mental illness or weaknesses that
serve to destroy a character. The following paper examines the characteristics of stubbornness in the classic tale of Antigone and in Knut Hamsuns main character, Charles Bukowski, in the novel
"Hunger." Antigone and Charles Antigone is a young woman in a mans world, a young woman who is determined to be heard as it relates to the honor of
her brother. The story involves Antigone pleading with the authorities to allow her brother a righteous and honorable funeral, something he is denied. She is up against the establishment, so
to speak, that is comprised of men and she has no power. She is stubborn and unrelenting in this tale. With Charles we have a man who is stubborn
only as it relates to himself. He is determined to seek and discover some sort of artistic and enlightened vision through hunger of many different types, though primarily a physical
hunger related to starvation. His stubbornness is something of a mental illness perhaps, but also a stubbornness that could speak of greatness of vision. Antigone is a woman who essentially
pushes away all the people that she loves, or have loved her, in her stubbornness related to the burial of her brother. She pushes her sister away because she will
not help her, and becomes obsessed with the need to have her brother buried. "Antigone puts the laws of the gods ahead of the laws of the states....Antigone is willing
to risk it all to stand by the law of the gods and what is right" (The Similarities Between Creon and Antigone). In the end she loses her life because