Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Strategic International Marketing. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 6 page paper that describes and discusses international marketing and strategic international marketing, including factors to consider when planning. The second part of this paper addresses the question of whether or not Porter's generic strategies are obsolete. The writer reports additional forces that should be considered in the marketplace today. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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and stay in business. This process should lead the company to achieving a competitive advantage. Doole and Lowe (2008) say that once the competitive advantage is achieved, marketing needs to
adjust the functions of marketing to retain that advantage. Just as there are different tools and approaches with domestic marketing, there are tools and approaches for international marketing (Doole and
Lowe, 2008). International marketing crosses national borders and moves into different cultural orientations and that makes international marketing far more complex than domestic marketing (Doole and Lowe, 2008). The marketing
mix will likely be different in the international arena. There are more uncontrollable elements and factors in international marketing than in domestic marketing and they are different kinds of variables
(Doole and Lowe, 2008). International marketing is also different than global marketing. Global marketing involves establishing and integrating numerous different marketing programs into one cohesive plan for the company (Doole
and Lowe, 2008). Strategic marketing involves very careful planning and it involves assuring that the marketing plan is congruent with and supports the organizations overall strategic plan. It also integrates
different functions, including strategic direction, marketing communications, marketing analytics, sales, distribution partners and customer support (Allen, 2009). A strategic marketing plan considers how consumers perceive the company. This insight can
be gained by asking certain questions, such as: Why do customers buy from this company, i.e., what needs do they have that cause them to consider this company? How can
this company enable or improve the customers life or business? Which market segments are more likely to purchase from us? What trends exist that affect customer interest in our products
or products like ours? (Allen, 2009). As an example of trends, in a business-to-business company, more companies are outsourcing different functions to companies overseas as well as domestically (Allen,