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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page paper discusses some of the human resource management practices at Starbucks. Turnover and job satisfaction data are included. Guiding principles and management principles are outlined. Benefits and other incentives provided even the part-time employee are discussed. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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trip to Italy where he became enamored of espresso bars and the following year he was able to persuade Starbucks founders to test the concept in the U.S. (Starbucks, History,
2004). The first Starbucks coffee bar was located in downtown Seattle, it was a huge success (Starbucks, History, 2004). Schultz would go on to open his own company of coffee
bars serving Starbucks coffee and in 1987, Schultz bought Starbucks (Starbucks, History, 2004). Today, Starbucks is the largest specialty coffee retailer in the world (Gonzales, 2004). The company has more
than 8,000 coffee shops across more than 30 countries (Gonzales, 2004). Each location offers different types of coffee beverages, food, coffee beans, and a variety of coffee accessories (Gonzales, 2004).
Of the 8,000, Starbucks operates more than 4,700 shops itself, 2,800 are licensed in different locations, e.g., hotels and airports (Gonzales, 2004). Starbucks also distributes its coffees through grocery stores
(Gonzales, 2004). Starbucks has 72,000 employees whom they call partners and they hire 200 more employees as they open two or three new stores every day (Stopper, 2004). The founders
had strong beliefs: "As the connection to customers, partners (employees) are the key to success" (Stopper, 2004, p. 21). Starbucks lives by six guiding principles, which account for its
rapid growth and huge success: 1. Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity (Starbucks, Guiding, 2004). 2. Embrace diversity as an essential component
in the way we do business. 3. Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee (Starbucks, Guiding, 2004). 4. Develop enthusiastically satisfied
customers all of the time (Starbucks, Guiding, 2004). 5. Contribute positively to our communities and our environment (Starbucks, Guiding, 2004). 6. Recognize that profitability is essential to our future success