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Spencer/Increasing RN-BSN Enrollment

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page summation of an article by Spencer (2008), which argues that one strategy for increasing BSN enrollment should be articulation between nursing educators at the ADN and BSN level. No additional sources are cited.

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associate degree in nursing (ADN), rather than a baccalaureate (BSN)(Spencer, 2008). Nevertheless, research shows that level of nursing education has a direct and positive relationship with improved patient outcomes. Therefore, Spencer (2008), in her article "Increasing RN-BSN enrollments: facilitating articulation through curriculum reform," which was published in the Journal of Continuing Education, argues that there is a need for nursing educators at the BSN and ADN levels to evaluate curricular requirements and coordinate curriculum reforms so that reform efforts to encourage ADN nursing graduates to go on and achieve a BSN degree. Spencers argument, first of all, describes the advantages associated with obtaining a BSN degree, which are that this degree program offers a more extensive knowledge base and, therefore, aid RNs in offering care that is more holistically oriented. A BSN program also includes instruction in evidence-based practice, which is a major concern of contemporary nursing. The next point that Spencer addresses are the factors that motivate an RN to pursue a BSN, which indicates the pivotal position that this degree plays in obtaining promotion and advancement within nursing. Having established the importance of obtaining a BSN, Spencer addresses methods that can serve to achieve articulation between the curricula offered in ADN and BSN programs. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) has recommended that the establishment of "sound articulation agreements" between schools that would address the need for facilitating the educational mobility of RNs (Spencer, 2008, p. 309). These agreements streamline the process of ADNs continuing their education, as they eliminate course duplication while maximizing resources (Spencer, 2008). The next section offers an extensive overview of the trends that currently characterize the RN-BSN curriculum. This discussion offers a general description of the core courses of the RN-BSN curriculum, as well as such factors as ...

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